The land is beautiful here. The camp is set between two rivers. You cannot escape the sound of the rivers. The water is very soft and buoyant. I have been washing my clothing in the river in the mornings. I brought just enough clothes for two days before ending to wash. It’s an amazing ritual to wash in natural flowing water. You can see the circle of dirt collect and dirt returned.
After washing I hang the clothes on my bungalow’s window. Its a very small room made of bamboo and built on a raised platform. I picked the one closest to the garden. They grow a lot of food here. Every day i see the Lao gardener tending to the plants. He is wearing American clothes and I wonder about his life. How did he come to be a gardener?
I am very slowly learning Lao, Thai and German. There are so many different languages here and so much time, its good to practice and hear the language and have it corrected on the spot.
“Ich bin fier und trisand yarra alt” is the phrase I learned tonight. I’m sure it’s not spelled correctly here.
I should mention the toilets since they made the news today. They are squatting toilets like India. Better for shitting, that’s for sure. We are not to use toilet paper and put it in the toilet, we are to put the toilet paper in the basket.
To flush, there is a garbage in with water and a cup. Lastly there is a small spray hose for cleaning your butt. All of this is new to me and very interesting.
The showers look like the one at the hostel but day 1 was ice cod and day 2 was not much improved.
Tonight they had a sauna instead of a bonfire. It is a homemade sauna, the engineering is pretty amazing. It looked to me like they built a coal fire under two oil barrels that were filled with water. The barrels are connected to the sauna room via pipes. It is very hot and raised my core temperature back up. Much needed after the last two nights.
Additional notes:
The spray gun had been dubbed a “bum gun” by a fellow circus goer. After the first two days of trying to shower in icy water I determined it was easier to jump in the river, soap up and jump back in to rinse off. I did that for the remaining days at the circus.