Thai Massage Circus 2/13/16

Last night’s celebration was the best birthday so far. They helped to arrange a real Lao style party. There was fire dancing with a very smokey lamp oil that burned forever. David, Eli, Zara, Nicole and I all had a turn with the fire. They all performed beautifully.

Nicole brought her fancy fans that were backlit with a laser pen. The whole show was very hypnotic.

Dinner was hand tossed clay oven baked pizza with a desert of banana ice-cream. The whole group was very happy to have a sweet treat and fire show.

Today we are dropped off in Luang Prabang to relax and get supplies. I was searching for a hot shower with no luck.

Walking through the dusty streets trying to find simple home items is quite the task. A small girl helped me to find the shop that sells medical supplies. I noticed that you can purchase a full round of amoxicillin over the counter for less than $5 USD.

Luang Prabang makes me feel so calm. The market and the people are similar to a river. The sounds of babbling and the pace of life is very slow.

I’m struck by how much the States are obsessed with safety. Home feels like such a sterile environment where you’re not allowed to touch anything without first washing your hands and applying hand sanitizer. In Laos there seems to be a “knowing” between the people on the street. They move like a school of fish with no signs or street lights maintaining order.

I’ve been completely disconnected from the internet. The people are hardly ever on their phones and I’ve only seen one T.V. since arriving.

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