Gluten Free/Dairy Free Meal Prep Menu: Easy to Digest
1/29/21 This week’s menu is going to be easy on the stomach to help soothe the digestive system. The menu is always made dairy free and gluten free. You can always substitute a meat alternative if you are vegetarian or vegan. Breakfast: Protein Shake 600 calories 1 bunch bananas 2 containers of berries 1 jar…
Sustainable Snail Mail
The postal service is amazing for all the wonderful things it brings us, but what happens to all that extra paper? In this challenge we will apply the Zero Waste Hierarchy Model from “Zero Waste Europe” to snail mail. We challenge you to follow these steps over the next month to achieve Sustainable Snail Mail.…
Click Here to Watch the Informational Video What is Compost? Compost happens naturally as organic matter decomposes. It is sometimes referred to as “black gold” because it contains many nutrients for plant growth. This dirt is great for gardens or for improving the soil structure. Composting is the active intervention and expediting of this process. Composting…
At Home Natural Healing for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. The information below is based on research of the metaphysical, direct personal experience, and experience working with clients. It is always advised to see the opinion of a medical professional before engaging in any at home self-care activities. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Happens when too much fat is…
100 Paintings in 100 Days
To share the joy and peace of acrylic painting creation I am starting a 100 paintings in 100 days challenge starting January 1st, 2021. To follow like and subscribe to my channel & turn on the notifications: www.youtube.com/anandawalker To monetarily support the challenge click here (you can also receive some of the paintings by supporting):…
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