Enter into the magical melting world of a shamanatrix. This leg of the trip was much anticipated. The time spent in Dayton was one of multiple dimensions, collapsing timelines, template transcendence, and confessionals. I would love to be able to describe the experience, but I find that the standard English language lacks the capacity to fully encapsulate its unraveling. We will first need to invent a 4 dimensional frame for language before I can even take a crack at this…. so instead of trying, I will share a story and some music.
Music: Giaw8ke
Sometimes in life, I meet someone with whom I share a past life. A few times, we have both been aware of this shared life. When this awareness exists, we are able to uncover the life and put the story together. We each hold a few pieces and when we come together, they all fit into place. When the puzzle is complete, the emotions release and together we transcend the template of stuck energy from that life time.
In this story, we were both soldiers…friends in battle and training. The energy between us was of playful competition. We had a deep respect for each other as men of honor during that time period. Many years of training side by side and many evenings spent conversing and relaxing. Time passed as we grew together, but further down the road something changed.
One of our sons was entrusted to the care of the other. They went out of the city on a training mission. They went a little too far outside of the camp and were ambushed by the enemy. The son was captured and the friend returned empty handed. Tensions rose and resentments grew. The playful competition had an edge to it that sometimes went a little too far.
The guilt and grief of that lifetime were never transcended… until now. With an unexpected gesture of an offered olive branch from one to the other, the puzzle pieces started to fall into place.

We laughed, we cried, we arm wrestled… and then we transcended emotions across time and space. The whole dynamic between us changed and we were born anew.
After this experience, I’m taking a few days to rest and rejuvenate before moving on to the next stop on this wild trip.